month June 2023

Blog Post 2 Comments

Hi Rachel, I think that the information you shared is very thoughtful. I am from Ontario and I found that during elementary school there was a lot of direct instruction, whereas in BC there seems to be less of it…. Continue Reading →

Blog Post 2

What is Project-based learning (PBL)? PBL is a type of instruction that is based on personal and real-world projects. Typically PBL consists of one project that continues for a period of time, and slowly “solves” the problem students are working… Continue Reading →

Blog Post 1 Peer Comments

Hi Ayden! I really love that you are able to incorporate real life into your lessons. I also agree, that it is a great way for students to learn. Although, I do feel as if some students may not learn… Continue Reading →

Post 1

Based on this week’s three assigned readings/videos on the three earning theories (behaviouralism, cognitivism, and constructivism), I would say that my instruction style is closest to the behaviouralist approach. The behaviouralist approach is highly based on reinforcement and feedback for… Continue Reading →

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