Author kharris

Learning Pod 6 Interactive Learning Resource Peer Review

Hi, Learning Pod 6! I really enjoyed exploring your interactive learning resource on Chat GTP for Research. I found your resources very easy to use, as well as easy to locate information. I think that adding in some more photos… Continue Reading →

Blos Post #4 Comments

 Hi Kevin! I am excited to see your group’s whole resource come together, as ChatGTP is very new for everyone. I think this video is a great introduction to your course, as it is very detailed on how to get… Continue Reading →

Blog Post #4

The link to the interactive video is here In what way are they likely to respond to the video on their own, e.g., make notes, do an activity, or think about the topic (learner-generated)? In this video, a series of… Continue Reading →

Blog Post #3 Comments

Hi Chloe! I enjoyed your insights this week. I agree with the idea of using a rich assortment of materials, to eliminate the potential barrier of Google Classroom. From my personal experience, I thrive when I have a variety of… Continue Reading →

Blog Post #3

Consider the learning environment for your current design. What potential barriers can be reduced or eliminated to provide more pathways for learner success? The current learning environment for our interactive learning design is primarily online. Online learning comes with some… Continue Reading →

Blog Post 2 Comments

Hi Rachel, I think that the information you shared is very thoughtful. I am from Ontario and I found that during elementary school there was a lot of direct instruction, whereas in BC there seems to be less of it…. Continue Reading →

Blog Post 2

What is Project-based learning (PBL)? PBL is a type of instruction that is based on personal and real-world projects. Typically PBL consists of one project that continues for a period of time, and slowly “solves” the problem students are working… Continue Reading →

Blog Post 1 Peer Comments

Hi Ayden! I really love that you are able to incorporate real life into your lessons. I also agree, that it is a great way for students to learn. Although, I do feel as if some students may not learn… Continue Reading →

Post 1

Based on this week’s three assigned readings/videos on the three earning theories (behaviouralism, cognitivism, and constructivism), I would say that my instruction style is closest to the behaviouralist approach. The behaviouralist approach is highly based on reinforcement and feedback for… Continue Reading →

Welcome and Introduction

Hi Everyone! My name is Kate Harris, and I am going into my 3rd year of Commerce at UVic. I am from Barrie, Ontario but have lived in Victoria since my first year, and don’t have any intentions to move… Continue Reading →

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