What is Project-based learning (PBL)?

  • PBL is a type of instruction that is based on personal and real-world projects. Typically PBL consists of one project that continues for a period of time, and slowly “solves” the problem students are working on. PBL is different from other smaller projects, which are “one and done”. PBL requires students to collaborate, research, and use their critical thinking skills, to solve a more complex and relevant problem. 
  • The main characteristics of PBL include the project being
    • Student-centered 
    • Relevant and applicable to the real world
    • Collaborative 
    • Engaging

Without these 4 characteristics, It would be likely that the type of instruction would not be project-based.

A personal example of PBL:

  • In grade 11 I was in a 5-credit specialized program, which was heavily based upon one final report. This report was based on a global issue that we were passionate about. For my topic, I chose the lack of women’s health care in developing countries. Throughout the semester we completed the report component by component, to achieve our final product. I found this PBL to be very beneficial for me, as I was able to know what the end goal was, and how all of my work will benefit the final product, it was very motivating for me.

Does or does PBL not align with the topic our group chose?

  • The topic my group has chosen to do is well-being in children, with a specific age range of 5-8 years old. PBL is more commonly seen in the upper years of school, as the projects take more extended periods of time than projects for younger kids. I think that because of our age range being so young, they would not have the mental capacity to work on one project for such a long time. I also think that PBL could somewhat be incorporated into our topic by doing a variety of small activities and exercises that will lead to a “final product”. We could organize our lesson chronologically to achieve an understanding of the topic as our final goal, making our lesson have similar characteristics of project-based learning, but not quite fully PBL.

What is PBL?. PBLWorks. (n.d.). https://www.pblworks.org/what-is-pbl