Based on this week’s three assigned readings/videos on the three earning theories (behaviouralism, cognitivism, and constructivism), I would say that my instruction style is closest to the behaviouralist approach. The behaviouralist approach is highly based on reinforcement and feedback for learners, to improve their knowledge. Beahavouralist instructors tend to send clear learning outcomes for students, so they are able to see what the objective of the activity is. They also use positive reinforcement to encourage their student’s behavior.

When I instruct a group of people, one of the first things I always do is share the goals of the task, whether academically or something else. For example, if I am a group leader for a school assignment, I always create goals for myself and group members to follow and use along the way. I find that including this when instructing is motivating for learners. I also find that it helps to keep both myself and learners organized, stay on track, and helps us manage time appropriately.

Personally, I really benefit from encouragement and positive reinforcement. I like to be guided, as well as rewarded when I do something well or correctly. I think that my personal enjoyment of positive reinforcement is why I implement it when I instruct. Most people Like to see that their hard work does not go unnoticed, so sharing with learners that the instructor sees their efforts can be motivating. An example of when I used positive reinforcement is when I was working at a basketball camp for young kids, and when they did something well I would simply tell them “Good job”, or “Keep up the hard work”, this shows them that they are noticed, and may motivate them to keep working hard.

One idea from the readings that I strongly agree with, is the idea that instructors need to have knowledge on all of the theories. By doing so, they will be able to more effectively help a variety of students with all different learning skills. The instructor will also benefit from doing so by becoming more creative when developing lesson plans and ideas.

In my classmate post, they show that in a scenario A high school social study teacher is planning a class on climate change, a teacher may use rewards, as a way for students to learn. I think that a teacher could set up a point system for recycling. For example, students who recycle should be rewarded or praised for their actions, as a way to improve climate change. By doing so students would be learning about climate change, as well as helping the situation.